Proceedings of ASSE 2010
Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering
ISSN: 1850-2792
The 11th Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering (ASSE 2010) will bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners to discuss new ideas, problems and experiences in the field of Software Engineering. ASSE 2010 will be part of the 39th Argentine Conference on Informatics (JAIIO 2010). ASSE 2010 seeks original works in the wide spectrum of Software Engineering, from academic research to industrial and business applications with significant impact and lessons learned from application development. The symposium will feature invited talks, paper and poster sessions, and panels presenting both mature work and new ideas in research and applications.
- Santiago Ceria, Hexacta and UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Claudia Pons, CONICET and UNLP, La Plata, Argentina
Program Committee
- Silvia Teresita Acuña (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España)
- Gabriela Arevalo (LIFIA, Facultad de Informática, UNLP, Argentina)
- Maria Cecilia Bastarrica (Depto de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Chile)
- Alejandro Bianchi (Liveware)
- Eduardo Bonelli (UNQ, ITBA, Argentina)
- Victor Braberman (FCEyN, UBA, Argentina)
- Marcelo Campo (ISISTAN, UNCPBA, Argentina)
- Alejandra Cechich (GIISCo, UNComa, Argentina)
- Omar Chiotti (Conicet, UTN Santa Fe, Argentina)
- Emilce Chiricola (Siemens)
- Juan José Cukier (Pragma Consultores)
- Pedro R. D'Argenio (FaMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
- Andrés Flores Mir (GIISCo, UNComa, Argentina)
- Marcelo Frias (FCEyN, UBA, Argentina)
- Juan Gabardini (AgilAr, UBA)
- Carlos Garcia Garino (ITIC & Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina)
- Roxana Giandini (LIFIA, UNLP, Argentina)
- Silvio Gonnet (Conicet, INGAR, UTN Santa Fe, Argentina)
- María Paula González (Conicet, UNS, Argentina)
- Silvia Gordillo (LIFIA, Facultad de Informática, UNLP, Argentina)
- Nicolás Kicillof (FCEyN, UBA, Argentina)
- Raúl Martínez (RMyA)
- Pablo Michelis (Intel)
- Germán Montejano (UNSL, Argentina)
- Luis Olsina (UNLa Pampa, Argentina)
- Ernesto Pimentel (Universidad de Málaga, España)
- Daniel Riesco (UNSL, Argentina)
- Diego Rubio (Motorola and UTN-FRC)
- Alvaro Ruiz de Mendarzoqueta (Motorola and UTN-FRC)
- Alvaro Soria (ISISTAN, UNCPBA, Argentina)
- Sebastián Uchitel (FCEyN, UBA, Argentina)
- Antonio Vallecillo (Universidad de Málaga, España)
- Alejandro Zunino (ISISTAN, UNCPBA, Argentina)
Addicional reviewers
- Pedro Campos y John W. Castro. Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,
- Carlos Gerardo Neil, Universidad Abierta Interamericana (UAI),
- María Luciana Roldán, INGAR-CIDISI (UTN - FRSF),
- María Celeste Carignano, INGAR-CIDISI (UTN - FRSF),
- Agustina Buccella, GIISCo, UNCo,
- Gabriela Aranda, GIISCo, UNCo,
- Silvia Amaro, UNCo,
- Patricia Bazán (LINTI, Facultad de Informática, UNLP, Argentina),
- Leandro Antonelli (LIFIA, Facultad de Informática, UNLP, Argentina),
- Eduardo Rodríguez. Practia Consulting España. Pragma Consultores.
- Luis Roqué y Carlos Salgado, Universidad Nacional de San Luis.
- Guillermo Covella y Maria de los A. Martin, Facultad de Ingeniería, UNLPam.